Securing Health Data through Zero Trust Exchange

Stop Trusting, Start Signing

Health Data Needs Help

Fraud harms patient outcomes and costs health systems time and money



In Large Healthcare Cyberattacks Since 2018


US Health Records Compromised Last Year



Disrupted Care Delivery

The Five Rights of Secure Health Data

Checking these five rights on every data transaction, every time, secures your data exchange.

The Right Data

Is this the right, unaltered data?

Ensuring the right data means checking both authenticity and integrity. By checking every time you never trust, but always verify, that the data is both accurate and has not been tampered with.

The Right Source

Is this the right organization to send this data?

Identifying the right source guarantees that the data comes from a trusted and authorized entity. You need confidence that the data originates from a verified and reliable organization, not an imposter

The Right Role

Is this the right (person/server/etc.) to send this data?

Determining the right role ensures that data is shared only with the appropriate recipient. You need assurance that the data is sent to/by the correct person, client, or server authorized to do so, every time.

The Right Purpose

Is this an approved use of the data?

Verifying the right purpose means confirming that data is only ever used for approved reasons. You should never trust, always verify that the data is utilized strictly according to its authorized purpose.

The Right Route

Is this the right method and endpoint for transacting this data?

Verifying the right route means that data is transmitted through the proper channels to the correct endpoint. Assure that the data flows in compliant, approved paths to the right destination.

Using the Five Rights

healthKERI provides an automated, post-quantum secure method to ensure these five rights on every exchange of data.

Sign Everything

“It’s much easier to protect your keys than to try and secure the whole internet.” – Samuel Smith, Ph.D.


“Signing everything” means using cryptographically secure digital signatures on every transaction. In this zero-trust environment, data is only sent/ingested when valid digital signatures are used. No more shared secrets.

Access our resource page to learn about the open source, open standard technology that healthKERI uses to remove highly phishable credentials and replace them with secure cryptographic signatures.



Why healthKERI?

Data security isn’t just about the financial toll it takes on the healthcare system. It’s costing lives. Healthcare IT News reported in 2023 that 44.4% of ransomware attacks disrupt care delivery. 

For us, that makes this personal. After our founders came out on the other side of their own healthcare hurdles, we realized no tomorrow is promised and we need to start making a difference today.

We are only as safe as the least secure company that has access to any of our data. Hackers can use data stolen from companies with weak security to target employees and systems at other companies, including those with strong security protocols.

Professor Stuart E. Madnick, Ph.D.

The Rising Threat of Consumer Data in the Cloud

As a hacker who’s seen this same show before in other industries…I had a looming sense of fear that [in trying] to quickly meet the deadlines set by the ONC’s FHIR dictum, security would be left to an afterthought.

Alissa Knight

Playing with FHIR: Hacking and Securing FHIR API Implementations

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